Tokoh protagonis baru dalam game Prey 2 Killian Samuels akhirnya tidak akan berpetualang sendiri di Exodus. Kini diberitakan bahwa Domasi "Tommy" Tawodi yang menjadi jagoan di game Prey akan ikut memainkan perannya di Prey 2.
Chris Rhinehart dari Human Head Studios menyatakan bahwa Tommy tidak akan sekadar menjadi cameo, tetapi ikut memainkan peran yang penting dalam jalinan cerita Prey 2. Terutama dengan kemampuan atau abilitinya yang unik seperti spirit walk & death walk yang menjadikan Tommy disiapkan oleh pihak developer untuk Prey 2.
"He's a character that you encounter many times throughout the game."
"It's not just a single cameo where he shows up and takes off. He's integral to the story and events on Exodus. One of the big things is, the unique abilities that Tommy has, specifically spirit walk and death walk, are integral to his role and how he actually fits into the story."
"It's not just a single cameo where he shows up and takes off. He's integral to the story and events on Exodus. One of the big things is, the unique abilities that Tommy has, specifically spirit walk and death walk, are integral to his role and how he actually fits into the story."
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